Saturday 12 December 2009

about photos please

Completely mad with overpowering domination tendancies. Extremely determined to get my own way as much as possible.
Quick witted for my age and ruthlessly sarcastic.
Do not not suffer fools or people with minor faults such as plate scraping, small children or opinions.
Like to think I'm artistic, creative and an intellectual. Often percieved as a pretentious, judgemental snob
(mainly by my sisters , but anyone can join in)
Aspire to be selfless and kind with some other good points.
I have a truly amazing husband who takes all the credit for the person I am today.......
I write poetry no one ever gets to read and collect paints I never use.
I love my garden but only for short periods. Willing weeds to die does not work.
I am apparently a good cook, a good writer and have some artistic talent.
I have no confidence that any of this is true
I despise racists, homophobics and sexist men. I am happy to collude with sexist women for future female world domination.
Double standards have never been an issue for me.
I Will stand up and fight against the inequality and supression of women in society and always expect doors to be opened for me.
I will defend friends to the end of the earth and do anything they ask me to.
I never share chocolate.

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